Monday, November 12, 2012

Progressive Revelation because it is reality

I will reference Israel because they seem to have the most advanced techniques in growing flowers And foods...'Jeans' please modified;altered...

Karin Spencer weather and climate linked to genetics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sunday, September 23, 2012

To Victory To Funding To Moving Forward

Because Chevy Chase does not get it right until he loves honors respect authority with greatfulness and humility bravo directors producers and writers

Groundhog Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To Victory To Funding To Moving Forward

BIFYL:  I know how awesome indeed it is to be heard;from your spiritual daughter who honors you daily and keeps her promises;I know President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will do what is right by this Country and for all our future generations!!

The White House

For expansion and in honor of 'Rusnak' "why find a job when you can begin a career"

To Relearn!! Watching...

Monday, September 17, 2012

To Victory Funding and Moving Forward

My awesome and amazing US voters lets get ready and vote for victory for funding and moving our economy forward:  Experts arise give us a plan of action please!!

U.S. launches auto case against China, Beijing fires back

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Continuing my R & R and finished traffic school will check in with Pasadena Courthouse on my way back 9/21

Home base at sister's house...Continuing my much needed R & R and thanking everyone everywhere through my chain of command for instructing directing and correcting me gently and with much delicacy.  I love absolutely everybody everywhere for allowing God to move on your hearts to accomplish it...Please help me on my way back to Pasadena/South Pasadena by full assist monetarily and with everything else because I will need to get situated with housing and commencing a career back home.  Thank you All!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Reprogrammi.g Retraining Regrouping

To clarify I was not aware of Philip ex husband"s orientation but realizing self analyzing that was the reason for the attraction with combined training and Christian beliefs in the first place and why it took so long to get out of the relationship that it was my buillt and me not allowing prolonged suffering just part of my makeup but I do need to adjust and be retrained to be the allgirl I am and woman I am the rest would be other peoples posting and imaginations...

Monday, August 20, 2012

Karin Spencer New Beginnings

' Honor The Chain of Authority'.  Thank you for your encouraging emails and honoring my posts:  I am honoring my chain of command...everyday!  God:#1 guy:Church:etc...


Reform incentives;Reinvigorate Agriculture in All key states: