Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Full Restoration Process

I still remain firm in all my beliefs and I am still the same person in character sweetness love for everyone and a forgiving heart but I feel like a woman who is beginning to flourish and advance and I am grateful to God first and Absolutely Everybody who has been helping me Family, Friends and communities.  Pretty much in a nutshell I am growing up in everyway having been been set free from a marriage and concepts in every discipline that gave either been misunderstood or incorrectly applied.  I could never have done it alone without you.  I am also noticing that I am not responding to cues as I was because if they are not a direct text from the person contacting me writing me it is unclear of what you are trying to tell me and that makes me understand what some of you were all trying to tell me at the time but i was not at a place where it could be clearly seen.  Thank you!!!

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